
(Sunday morning with my friend couple’s 5-year-old boy on the forest path in front of our house.
Date of shooting: June 25, 2023)

Welcome to my world and thank you very much for visiting my website!
My name is Ken WADA.
I reside and work in Kitakaruizawa, Japan.
I regard myself as a water-based drawing artist.

I have two online galleries.
LA GALERIE DE KEN WADA 2 (Works 2011-2024)
LA GALERIE DE KEN WADA 1 (Works 2005-2011)

Could you click on your favorite item in the category (for example, After an artist died 2017, etc.) to enjoy my paintings, please?
Thank you very much for your interest in my works!

僕のサイトは作品の数が多いので、La Galerie de Ken Wada 1、La Galerie de Ken Wada 2 ともに、Categories の中のお好きな項目をクリックしていただけますと、少しは観やすいかと思います。
また、Google 等で検索される時は、アルファベットで、「ken wada artist」で検索していただけると、いくらか検索しやすいかと思います。
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